Accusing social media of inciting Palestinian terrorism is the Israeli right’s latest tactic for ignoring the true motivations for the violence and masking its failure to stop the attacks.
Asher Schechter Jul 07, 2016
But Facebook was not really the point for Erdan, or for Shaked. It was just the last in a long line of bogeymen and red herrings used by the Israeli right to cover a glaring, painful truth: They have no idea what to do. If anything, the Facebook spin proves that they don’t have much to offer but talk.
Also, that they’ll pretty much say anything if it means they can avoid talking about the ultimate reason that makes Palestinian teenagers grab a knife, a screwdriver or a gun and go out to kill: the everyday reality of military occupation in the West Bank.
So why is it that, while free at last to pursue their ideology, right-wing Israeli cabinetministers choose not to advocate for extreme measures, but prefer to go after a Zuckerberg and his terror incubator in Palo Alto? Well, for one, attacking Zuckerberg is far easier than really delving into the complexities of why teenagers are now butchering each other, and also translates far better electorally. Also, it’s much easier to look elsewhere for enemies than to admit that it’s impossible to beat terror without acknowledging the worsening reality of the occupation and its effects.
With the Facebook spin, the Israeli right’s denial has reached comic levels of ridiculousness. The right wing is officially out of excuses and parties to blame for its failure to provide Israelis with security. It cannot blame the left anymore, since the left is pretty much eviscerated, so it has moved to social media.
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