Abbas vs. Balfour: Far worse than ridiculous [View all]
Upon hearing the initial report that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was asking the Arab League to sue Great Britain for its Balfour Declaration of 1917, I thought this must be a satire of the sort put out by The Onion. I was wrong as it turned out. Apparently, Abbas is serious. So lets treat his initiative seriously...
...The fact that Abbas has chosen to take on this historic declaration, almost 100 years after its announcement, and 68 years after the birth of Israel, tells us so much about why the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians remains unresolved.
First, the initiative continues a pattern of Palestinian rejection of Jewish connection to the land of Israel. This denial of that connection, which sustained the Jewish people for two thousand years of the Diaspora, is at the core of Palestinian rejectionism. When Ehud Barak was offering the Palestinians a state of their own at Camp David in 2000, a moment of great opportunity for peace, the Palestinian reaction was a denial that there ever were Jewish holy places in Jerusalem.
The Balfour Declaration not only promised the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine, it based it on that historic connection. So, Abbas is now doubling down on disconnecting Jews from the Holy Land, the surest formula for continuing conflict.
At least Abbas isn't blaming the Jooz this time.
Small consolation.