....its not 972 that's " antisemitic " ......would love to read your comments on this article from 972 :
Bannon’s Jew is not only rich, he/she is progressive, liberal or left-wing, and thus stands in direct contradistinction to everything he believes in — and everything he seeks to undo during his tenure in the White House. This is the Powerful Jew who refuses to abide by the ordained laws of American White Supremacy, to temper his id, bow his head meekly, and move along. There is a reason, after all, that Soros was one of the four “bad guys” featured in Trump’s closing campaign ad, packed with anti-Semitic dog whistles and imagery.
Netanyahu isn’t an idiot; he knows classical anti-Semitism when he sees it. But he doesn’t need to buy into alt-right scientific racism to knowingly propagate some of its worst aspects. He has stayed relatively silent about the uptick in anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S., the White House’s repeated Holocaust trivializations/denials, and the nastiest kinds of anti-Semitic dog whistling.
Netanyahu’s attack on Soros, who openly supports liberal and progressive causes worldwide and does not hide his objection to Israel’s military dictatorship in the occupied territories, is now effectively an open attack on the insidious influence of the Powerful Jew. Soros is the cosmopolitan, liberal, Upper West Side Jew who looks at the increasingly fascistic trends in the Jewish state and “wants nothing to do with it,” as he himself once put it. The frightening part is that there is very little daylight between the way this Jew is viewed by far-right Zionists (and in many ways classic Zionism, too) and the alt-right.
Resisting the alt-right is basic for most American Jews, yet somehow speaking out against the Israeli version of the alt-right is still considered taboo. But the fact is that Israel is way ahead of the U.S. and Europe when it comes to far-right nationalist politics. Over the past decade, pundits, commentators, liberals, and radicals have been warning against the Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pens who threaten to upend Europe’s liberal order, yet few have included the Netanyahus and Nafatali Bennetts for wanting to do the same. Israel is not “following in the footsteps” of European nationalist movements — it is actively setting the trend. And unlike in the Netherlands or France, there is nothing to stop this train.