that the Israeli government is blameless, and that the only explanation for any of it is anti-Semitism(when actually what it is the natural bitterness any oppressed people feels towards the regime that oppresses them, and would be felt in exactly the same way by Palestinians if it were the Turks or the Romans treating them like this).
Even though none of that has anything to do with reality?
Even though the Israeli government is now led(and likely will be led for life) by a man who's written two entire books opposing the very idea of a Palestinian state and will never change his mind on that?
Even though, if you were a Palestinian, you would feel exactly the same helpless rage?
Even though the IDF spends its days making it impossible for Palestinians to live normal, functional lives?
The Palestinian people are not saints(just as the Israelis are not universally helpless innocent victims), but they are not olive-skinned Nazis, either-the issue here is subjugation and collective punishment, not the identity of the subjugators. And the moment the settlement project was started, the moment the lands on which the Palestinian state everyone knew was always going go have to be a component of any peace began to be seized and distributed to people who, at best, might have had an ancestor who set foot on them fourteen centuries before, any claim that what's being done to Palestinians was "security" and "self-defense" vanished.
Those who oppose anti-Semitism, and Lorde and everyone who posts regularly on this board, have NO obligation to defend anything the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians as part of proving we oppose anti-Semitism. Opposing anti-Semitism is simply about opposing discrimination against or persecution of people who are Jewish. It does not require anyone to hold any particular view about the State of Israel and it does not require anyone to insist that the Palestinian people be crushed.