A drone launched a missile vs flying balloons with Molotov cocktails, and the Palestinians are worse than Israelis?
This speaks of intent. The drone is defense against terror threats to Israeli civilians while the flying molotovs are the very definition of terror. Yes, they're far worse. What an idiotic statement.
I dunno, if my country was invaded, destroyed and occupied by a foreign army, I suspect that most citizens would fight with whatever means they had, just like other subjugated people have always done throughout time.
No need to fight when the Palestinians have been offered their own state many times. Hamas, the PLO, Islamic Jihad & other terrorists there want to fight & you're defending that. They need leaders to make peace with Israel, like those in Jordan & Egypt. That would be a good enough start at least.
My dad was shot down behind German line somewhere in Belgium during WWII and until he was rescued, he worked with the insurgent forces to blow up, burn and break everything the Nazi occupation army had. He was always spoke very fondly of the resistance fighters and was proud of the small part he played in liberating Belgium.
Except the Jews aren't Nazis and that's a repulsive comparison. The Jews are indigenous to Israel, it's their homeland and has been for thousands of years. Jews can't occupy their own homeland anymore than native Americans can do so here.
Palestinians deserve nothing less than the return of their land and the right to live free of Israeli military subjugation.
It was never their land. Regardless, they've been offered their own state multiple times. Israel has proven with Egypt & Jordan it can make & keep peace in exchange for land. The Palestinians (their leaders) have only proven to be warmongers.
A simple test for you, okay?
Hamas rejected 2 offers to disarm & end their war on the Jews in exchange for massive aid to Gaza that would help Palestinians greatly. Right move by Hamas or wrong move?
Europe offer:
Israel offer: