This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Lithos (a host of the Israel/Palestine group).
The saddest part of all in this conflict is how people on one side or the other want to use whatever they can to justify or explain as "collateral damage" the killing of children. Hamas smiled when they tasted the blood of children and so does Netanyahu and many of his party and cabinet. We have the quotes from all sides over the many years that indicates their real lack of regard for innocent life. All of the actors, including the surrounding states and weapons suppliers, all tell us how what they do is Holy and with each side claiming justification for their actions.
They are all devoid of anything Holy and in fact are rightly labeled as the very opposite. All involved deserve the lasting condemnation of the world. Hamas for believing that killing children and others was an appropriate response to grievances held and then acting to make it happen. So too the ones who armed them. So too anybody, on any side in anyway who makes average people living in any country, territory or region feel unsafe, fear being taken hostage, feel unwelcome or inferior as they simply try to live day by day. Also the Israeli government for putting to action and believing that massive widespread bombing was necessary or morally defensible when they knew by their own statements that the number of actual Hamas fighters was actually a fraction of the actual Gaza population at risk to be killed and injured. So too the ones who, for their gain or political advantage, feed on this long story of misery in this region and then congratulate themselves and drink fine wine, eat the finest foods and tally their bank accounts while people thirst, starve and are deprived of basic care.