I haven't been posting much mostly reading and I have gained respect for your defense of my country
but not all Palestinians are Hamas Sir .....far from it .
Just as not all Israelis are some of the things I have read recently
it is not "quite beside the point "
It is the point .
See :
Unmatched Surge in Settlement Activity in the West Bank Since the Onset of the Gaza War
Peace Now: The three months of war in Gaza are being exploited by settlers to establish facts on the ground and effectively take control of extensive areas in Area C. Settlers decide where to build roads and outposts continuously, disregarding the legal status of the land. They persist in constructing outposts on private Palestinian lands, defining open areas, and restricting Palestinian movement in the West Bank. The permissive military and political environment allow the reckless construction and land seizure almost unchecked, with minimal adherence to the law. The result is not only physical harm to Palestinians and their lands but also a significant political shift in the West Bank. The unchecked rampage of the settlers must be stopped now.
Source :
President Biden knows exactly what the point is .......I can only hope that his support for us will not cause him to loose to Trump because if Bibi manages to survive this , which I seriously doubt, and Trump replaces Biden then God help us all .