. . .were subjected to horrible sexual abuse/assaults by their Nazi captors.
And I know that you, BTA, have reacted strongly to the suggestion that any and all homophobia is motivated by suppressed homosexual inclinations.
The deeply disturbing reality of our larger world culture is the nexus of power and violence and hatred that crosses into the primacy of sexuality.
Sex is essentially a good thing because it results in feelings of pleasure and joy. How and why it has become perverted into an expression of anger and contempt is a tragic mystery. Certainly, there is a degree of self-hatred whenever anyone weaponizes sex to such ends because sexuality is an intrinsic aspect of our shared humanity.
Teaching people to hate their bodies and their responses to touch and their desire to share sexually intimate touch with some other human being is the real perversion that exists in the world.
There are some activities and expressions of sexuality that seem a little strange to me. But then again, I'm a fairly vanilla little prude. That being said, honest, joyful, consensual sexual expression is not perversion and it needs to be a protected right for all people.