First off, your name is a disgrace to the awesome singer Gregory Abbott... So just seeing you with his name pisses me off and makes me sick.
But then, it's stuff like this. Every fucking day. No leadership. No addressing of real problems. Just repeated, bigoted, fascist attacks upon "the others"... The more vulnerable, the better.
"Small government" my ass... Small government for pasty-white cishet Nazis like Abbott... Tyranny for the LGBTQ community, with the T getting it the worst.
Do you know who is committing child abuse, Abbott? You. Ken Paxton. Shelley Luther. What you are doing to the trans community in Texas - especially the youth - IS fucking child abuse!
I honestly hope someone reports Abbott and his ilk for child abuse. Because it's every fucking day with this shit. He and his pack of thugs are going to drive trans youth into suicide. And the sickest part? It'll bring them joy.
Fuck you, Abbott. Go to hell already. Seriously. Go. To. Fucking. HELL. And I know it's what you want, because you're working so hard to turn Texas INTO Hell.