The anti-democracy crap started when Bill Clinton had the gall to end the OQP's 12 year reign by being elected. It snowballed heavily during his time in office, in large part thanks to the likes of Gingrich and Limbaugh. That same sense of entitlement returned under Bush the Lesser. Then got downright ugly when we had the nerve to have a black president. Finally it all hit the breaking point because "Drumpf's president! We don't have to be afraid anymore!" and "Drumpf 2016. Fuck your safe space!"
It's all coming apart now, and all thanks to one side. 30-35% of this country is a collection of heavily armed lunatics who are prepared to take this country over by force. The solution to everything for them is violence. They think they have the right to shoot LGBTQ's, Democrats, anyone at all that they don't like.
These lunatics are itching to shoot up LGBTQ's and their allies. We've had three serious incidents of harassment or threats since Saturday - and that's not counting any I may have missed today. The nation of "second amendment solutions."
LOCK THEM UP, indeed. All of them. Do so before more innocent people are butchered.