...Or doing this. Or saying that. Or harming people. Never their faults. Never. "Damnit, your face just had to get in the way of my fist! Assault!" "Hey, no one said you had to get in the way of my bullet!"
No, Fux Snowflakes.. We're just trying to live our lives in peace and safety. It's you goons tearing the country apart because of your single-minded obsession with ruining our lives.
What would these Proud Bitches have done had the drag queens come out? Beat the shit out of them? Kill them? Do so with kids watching? Record it and stick it on YouTube or whatever? Fucking jackbooted domestic terrorists, causing innocent people to live in fear because they never grew the fuck up - like the "Boys" they are..
And well done, pigs... Fist bumps. Yeah. That'll show the stormtroopers. ACAB.
Time to declare the Proud Brats a terrorist organization. Time to find out what cops refused to do their job and tell them to get new jobs - because they're fired.
Ohhh... And lastly? Hey, Nazis. Here's a list of groomers for you.