In reply to the discussion: Neoma just terminated laconicsax and me as co-hosts. [View all]stockholmer
(3,751 posts)that the damage and drama I have seen in 2 days is so so sad for all involved. What point is there to have a safe zone group for feminists if women and men here just rip each other to shreds?
That said, from what I gather, the new lead host has went on a perceived power binge and banned any dissent (as well as people) and locked threads that point to this. I also see a huge trust broken by sharing private messages.
You need to hold elections ASAP to sort this. If not, the DU site admins need to step in soon.
If I'm wrong, then flame on, as I have said my part.
I wish all involved well, and hope no more hurt and pain comes to a single person in here. The world is not a friendly place these days, and feminist ideology/perspective is a vital need for the world. This is not the way to facilitate this goal.