Five years in prison for a homeless woman into educating her child?!
Surely this is something out of a Dickens' novel, not a real thing that the 21st century U.S.A. did to a real woman and her child!
Really, it's just jaw-dropping! The long, vulture fingers of Bushwhackism reach into the future and everywhere. Stomp on the homeless! Put them in stocks! Strip Iraqis of their clothes and pile their naked bodies one upon another into pyramids of humiliated flesh for a prison guard joke! Snuff a few of them out--what does it matter? Where will Bushwhackism end?
We are on a bad, bad road, friends. I am sickened by this and by a long list of atrocities--to our own people and to others. It is beyond my comprehension how we got here--though I saw it all happen, like we all did. We leave our people to rot and die in hurricane flooding? We slaughter a hundred thousand people in the first week of bombing alone, to steal their oil? We torture prisoners? We JAIL a homeless woman for trying to get a good education for her child?!
What bloodsucking disease is rotting the souls of this judge, this prosecutor, this school district and whoever else is responsible for this? Have we arrived in Hell? Are we going to put up with this? Are we going to let our country become our worst nightmare of cruelty and sadism?