I'm a lesbian and I like breasts [View all]
I freely admit that, and have no shame in admitting that.
Having said that: when I see a woman breastfeeding, my first thought isn't OOOOOOOO BREASTS!!!!! YAY!!!! (no matter how attractive the woman is) or even OOOOOOO BREASTS!!! THIS MAKES ME FEEL ALL WEIRD AND UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!! My thought is usually nothing, because big deal, or maybe a Thank God I never had kids.
So, why do so many people get so bent out of shape about breastfeeding, including women? Is it prudery and perversion, to be all cutesy and alliterative? As a few people said in the military women breastfeeding thread in GD: how is it any different than giving a baby a bottle? To me, it isn't.
Have any of you ever been approached by someone when you were breastfeeding in public and been snarked at? Told to smother your baby in a blanket so someone doesn't freak out? Or take your baby to a bathroom to suckle?
Excuse the provocative header of the OP, but I was thinking this as I read that GD thread yesterday. I know first-hand breasts aren't JUST for feeding babies, but when they are feeding babies, breasts certainly aren't being sexy or provocative. I don't get it.