A future without tomboys and lesbians? [View all]
Discussions about gender expression tend to get very intense very quickly. We see it happen a lot in AfterEllen.com comments, as people react to certain words or misinterpret another comment. Frankly, the level of anger that often comes up makes me shy away from writing about certain topics.
But something recently came across my feed that is so outrageous — and so frightening — that I have to write about it. And in this case, I invite you to be outraged along with me.
Advocate.com reported the release of a new study from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine that details some dangerous experiments in fetal engineering. Doctors have been using a synthetic steroid to prevent female babies from being born with "behavioral masculinization" — which means lesbianism, bisexuality, intersexuality, and tomboyism. (Yes, "tomboyism" is a thing.)
Let that soak in for a minute.