Senator, disabled challenger clash on health care, other issues [View all]
Mary Pilcher-Cook, a Shawnee Republican seeking her second term as the 10th District member of the Kansas Senate, doesnt have any problem drawing distinctions between herself and challenger Mark Greene, a Shawnee Democrat.
My opponent has been vocal about his belief in bigger and more government as the solution to many of the problems we face, Pilcher-Cook said. This would lead to higher taxes, more spending and increasing the size of government.
Greene, who gets around in a wheelchair, was born with spina bifida and has been undergoing hemodialysis three times a week for the past few years. Recently, a shoulder injury made it difficult for Greene to drive to campaign stops and transfer himself from the drivers seat to his wheelchair. But Greene made it to the Dispatch offices for an interview last week and said hes not giving up on this goal of providing improved representation for the disabled community and other 10th District residents.