Hi all,
I receive SSI due to being disabled with a permanent, incurable condition which causes severe pain. Most of the time, I'm stuck in my room or in bed. So, it's an odd combination of torturous and extremely boring.
Anyway. I had a question about SSI (as opposed to SSDI, which I do not receive because I was disabled young and did not have enough work credits). After paying my agreed upon fair share payment to my parents due to my inability to live alone, and then any other necessities, is it true that I may spend the remaining funds as I please?
Mind you, I'm not talking about hobbling down to Wal-Mart and pushing out a shopping cart of booze. As I said, being trapped in my room/in bed is extremely boring, and it also worsens my pain if I have nothing to focus on except for that. So, I like to buy things which I can do or use from bed. Primarily books and games for my laptop.
Is this okay to do this according to SSI rules? I have never been 100% clear on this, as I get a slightly different answer each time, but the *general* response seems to be that the SSI money is mine to do with what I want so long as it's nothing illegal.
I'm going through a standard medical redetermination right now, and even though it has nothing to do with finances, I guess it just has me shaken up about the whole thing. I have diagnosed anxiety and depression issues stemming from the constant pain, and I guess this has intensified them, on top of the grief from my grandmother's death. It's all a bit much to think and worry over at one time.
Thanks very much.
EDIT: Wanted to clarify that I am an adult, do not have a representative payee, and do not have an account which is designated for any specific purpose.