Insurance companies are now trying to get a 5 star rating. They can do that by doing extra things like these home care visits. They kind of have to prove they are a platinum insurance carrier when it comes to health care. He also told me that they can't cancel me for anything but non payment and even then they have to jump thru hoops to do it.
If they get a 5 star rating they are eligible to make a lot more money because they can sign up new customers any time of the year not just during the October sign up period.
I don't think home health care visits are bad if people need them. But I don't want the insurance company to be in charge of what I can or can't do. They are already running the medical profession.
If my doctor thinks I need a home visit I am fine with that.
Problem is I don't need anything right now. I'm perfectly healthy, feel great and don't want any more medical care than I'm already getting. I'm fine. But I might very well be in the minority. I know lots of people my age who have diabetes or heart problems or whatever. They probably will be grateful.