my article was that it was not required to be commercially used, probably because most of the food people ate was home-cooked.
For many years Sea Salt was not iodine-added. Now you can find it with iodine added as it says so on the label. Most commercially prepared or restaurant prepared foods contain enough salt for flavoring so more salt does not have to be added. Do you add iodized salt to the restaurant or commercially-prepared food you eat? In what amount and do you do it everyday? Medical professionals say that 1/2 to 3/4 tsp of iodized salt every day is what is needed to maintain average iodine levels. So to be healthy, this recommended amount would be in addition to the iodine-free salt already contained in restaurant or commercially prepared food. Because salt is sodium not iodine, this additional amount might place one in the position of high blood pressure (or other conditions) bc it's the sodium (salt) that doctors say to cut out if you have high blood pressure.
In my research I couldn't find any reason for exempting iodized salt from human consumption commercial use which is odd because it was first mandated to be used in table salt to prevent goiters and thyroid disease.
BTW: You are right, most table salt is iodized, but not all table salt is iodized, so unless you are consuming iodized table salt you are just consuming sodium and unless you are adding 1/2 to 3/4 tsp of iodized table salt to your food every day you are not getting enough iodine.
I had no idea about this until recently, thinking like most people, that sodas, breads, donuts and everything else with sodium was providing me with the daily requirement of iodine.