and it's not all that necessary there if you're smart enough to practice good hygiene with frequent hand washing and not touching your face with your fingers, only with the back of your wrist.
If there is any mental compensation these days, it's the knowledge that the Orange Shart has had ice water thrown over his dreams of glory (and own immunity) based on a fabulous, record breaking two month rush to get a vaccine. His body type shrieks "metabolic syndrome" and that means diabetes in addition to cardiovascular disease and those are the two biggest co morbidities leading to death.
I'm old, so I'm somewhat under the gun, myself, although my own numbers are still good with only the tally of birthdays not in my favor. We'll see.
Thanks for posting this. People at DU will be informed. Unfortunately, one thing that has made every wave of disease throughout human history vastly worse is a flood of rumors when actual information has not been forthcoming. It will be exacerbated this time because of Orange Shart's reliance on businessmen and men obsessed with secrecy because he thinks this virus is a personal attack against him and doesn't want anybody to know how bad it is, lest he appear weak.