Just 11 Minutes of Exercise a Day Can Help You Live Longer, According to New Study [View all]
Just 11 Minutes of Exercise a Day Can Help You Live Longer, According to New Study
It only takes a few minutes a day to stay healthy and live longer.
Andrea Romano
January 10, 2021
...The study itself sampled over 44,000 men and women for a period between four and 14 and a half years, during which 3,451 participants died (7.8% mortality rate). Using activity monitors to measure "moderate-to-vigorous" physical activity, scientists used these calculations and compared them to participant's time while sedentary.
Over all, people who worked out 35 minutes a day saw the biggest results in terms of health, especially joint health, but the study also showed that people who exercised at least 11 minutes a day could also see some benefits, Metro reported.
Sedentary lifestyles certainly have a strain on people's health. While sitting may seem harmless, being stuck in a chair at least eight hours a day for work could be hazardous to long-term health. In fact, a study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, showed that people who work desk jobs are twice as likely to die early.
11 minutes is definitely a lot less time than most previous studies reported to have real health benefits, however, this recent study concluded that past studies relied on "self-reported exposure data," which means they worked off of people's recollections of physical activity rather than hard data. And, of course, human memory can prove faulty.
More at the link.