Risk of Catching Covid From Surfaces Is Overblown; EYE Protection, 'Compliance Fatigue' [View all]
'Clean break: the risk of catching Covid from surfaces overblown, experts say. The Guardian, Australia, Feb. 27, 2021. Prioritising eye protection and face masks will prevent the spread of coronavirus more than disinfecting surfaces, research shows. - Excerpts, Ed. -
When cases of Covid-19 first began emerging in Australia, some people reported disinfecting their groceries before bringing them into their homes, and there were also concerns that the virus could be living on the surfaces of packages in the mail. During Victorias extended lockdown, teams of workers could be seen walking city streets disinfecting traffic light buttons, benches and even fences. An epidemiologist with La Trobe University, Associate Prof Hassan Vally, said just over one year later it has become clear surface transmission is not as significant a factor in Covid-19 spread as once feared. While surface transmission is not impossible, Vally said its role in spread needs perspective.
I want to be clear that nothing should change in terms of washing our hands and personal hygiene, Vally said. We can, however, be less anxious about washing every surface 20 times a day, and just concentrate on good hand hygiene and social distancing, and staying home when sick, which should be more than enough to stop us from spreading the virus. Close contact aerosol spread is the driving factor in Covid-19 transmission, primarily when an infected person is in close contact with another person and transmit small liquid particles [droplets and aerosols] containing the virus, especially when they cough and sneeze. These aerosols then get into the nose, mouth and eyes of people nearby..
Vally also said, This isnt to say surface transmission isnt possible and that it doesnt pose a risk in certain situations, or that we should disregard it completely. But, we should acknowledge the threat surface transmission poses is relatively small. Emanuel Goldman, a professor of microbiology at Rutgers University in the US, wrote in medical journal the Lancet that studies warning of surface transmission had been conducted in the lab, and have little resemblance to real-life scenarios. In my opinion, the chance of transmission through inanimate surfaces is very small, and only in instances where an infected person coughs or sneezes on the surface, and someone else touches that surface soon after the cough or sneeze (within 12 hours), Goldman said..
Peter Collignon, an infectious diseases physician and professor with the Australian National University, agreed all the available evidence says its people in close proximity with each other talking, coughing, singing and breathing heavily that drives virus spread. Theyre breathing them in and its getting into their nose and eyes and that is the major risk factor, he said. Its why eye protection, particularly in quarantine hotels and hospitals, should be prioritised as much as masks and social distancing, he said. Collignon cites a large study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that found 19% of healthcare workers became infected, despite wearing three-layered surgical masks, gloves and shoe covers and using alcohol rub. After the introduction of face shields, no worker was infected.
I think weve underappreciated how important the eyes are and overemphasised surfaces, Collignon said...
More, https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/feb/28/clean-break-the-risk-of-catching-covid-from-surfaces-overblown-experts-say
- 'UK: People Less Likely To Adhere To Covid Rules After Vaccination,' The Guardian, Feb, 27, 2021.