... is only about 0.0004%.
3 Breakthrough Covid-19 Coronavirus Deaths Among 700,000+ Fully Vaccinated In Oregon
Consider how many people in Oregon have already gotten fully vaccinated: over 700,000. A quick calculation on your abacus will reveal that less than 0.03% of all fully vaccinated people there have had breakthrough Covid-19 coronavirus infections so far. Of the breakthrough infections, less than 2% ended up in death. Oh, and many of these breakthrough infections were actually asymptomatic, meaning that they didnt result in symptoms.
Then imagine how many more people could have gotten infected and ended up being hospitalized had these 700,000 plus people not been vaccinated. All of this strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccines are working, that they are indeed offering protection.
Sorry for the Forbes link, everyone, but it offers very positive news about the vaccines.