Creativity May Be Key To Healthy Aging, Here Are Ways To Stay Inspired [View all]
Washington Post, July 12, 2021. - Ed.
If youre interested in staying healthy as you age and living longer you might want to add a different set of muscles to your workout routine: your creative ones. Ongoing research suggests that creativity may be key to healthy aging. Studies show that participating in activities such as singing, theater performance and visual artistry could support the well-being of older adults, and that creativity, which is related to the personality trait of openness, can lead to greater longevity.
When researchers talk about creativity, they arent limiting it to the arts. Author and Georgetown University psychiatrist Norman Rosenthal defines being creative as having the ability to make unexpected connections, either to see commonplace things in new ways or unusual things that escape the attention of others and realize their importance.
James C. Kaufman focuses on everyday creativity when teaching his introduction to creativity course.. The phrase, which comes from creativity expert Ruth Richards, refers to ordinary tasks such as parenting, yard landscaping or advising a friend. Kaufman believes anyone can be creative. Creativity can be cultivated by following passions both old and new, he said. Try not to compare yourself to genius creators or be so focused on the outcome that the process stops being fun. In addition to Kaufman, I talked with other experts and people known for creative longevity to learn the best ways to keep ideas coming over the decades.
Think and travel outside the box: People who travel tend to be more creative, said Darya Zabelina, a psychology professor at the University of Arkansas. Traveling encourages people to reexamine their models of reality, Zabelina said. Some studies show that travelers have more creative success, and people who enjoy unfamiliar experiences perform better on divergent thinking tests, open-ended questions calling for numerous ideas. Performance on these tests differs from IQ and may predict aspects of real-world creativity...