and I don't expect it to work much better than HRT did, even if it keeps estrogen levels from falling off a cliff. There's a reason we go through menopause and it has as much to do with estrogen mediated cancers as anything else. It's not just ending the monthly mess we had to deal with, it's a longevity thing.
Only two species go through menopause, humans and orcas. In orcas, any female old enough to achieve menopause becomes a leader of her pod. In humans, post menopausal women are generally despised as being useless to men.
Women under 40 seem to want to stay fresh and dewy forever. Women over 55 who are through all the nasty symptoms of having their internal environment change so radically know they wouldn't go back to that for all the money in the world. Well, unless they're trophy wives desperate to hang onto a doddering old man in the hope he'll croak and she'll be a rich widow instead of another discarded wife.
I can see this being a good line of research for women who have had hysterectomies at young ages, and I've seen a case of uterine cancer in a 12 year old girl This would be life saving for them. For the rest of us, nah.