It was a flight from St. Louis to Charlotte. The nurse who checked my blood pressure on the plane said it was 42 over 30. When she told me that, I said, "Holy shit! How am I still alive?" The next day in Orlando my niece, who is a doctor, said, "If you were dead, it would be zero over zero."
Long story short, it was because I had taken a lisinopril with a light meal at the St. Louis airport. That was my first meal of that day; I always take that first round of pills with the first meal of the day. The lisinopril pill bottles have a warning on the label that says, MAY CAUSE DIZZINESS. The reason one of those pills might cause dizziness, of course, is because they bring your blood pressure down. If your blood pressure is already okay, a lisinopril might bring it down to a dangerous level. That's why my blood pressure was so low on that plane, and why I passed out.
That's when I started taking my lisinopril pills with my evening round of pills. If it brings my blood pressure too far down then, it won't matter, because I'll be going to bed and sleeping not long after that anyway.
So my answer to your question is, it might be better to take your blood pressure medication in the evening. Check your blood pressure just before taking the pill, too. I am not a health care professional and am not dispensing medical advice. I am merely reporting my experience to you and how I have responded to that experience.
-- Ron