We are inexorably linked in ways that are far beyond our own comprehension..
She got in trouble for staying up with me in their kitchen till 11:00 PM on a Friday night...
We've been together ever since...
The license was to serve the law, and our inculcated delusion (at the tine), although even then we both agreed, that our business with our bodies, belonged to no-one-else but each of us.
The constant through our lives together has been that the more things change, the more they tend to stay the same.
There seems to be nothing as constant as change...
Which includes, each individual nuance, instance, and categorization our our collective and individual humanities.
We started our courtship with a whirlwind... when she kissed me she was certain that she was damning herself to hell, and in addition, would be publicly humiliating herself, because once she kissed me, she understood that she would... become pregnant.
I still cry about that... She's the love of my life.
I had better access to education in that regard, so when I was 17, and she was 16, I went to a medical library, copied pages out of books, bought books from the bookstore, and brought them on our dates for us to read together.
So, cutting it short after already going on too long, lol, she's endured a great deal of pain through menstrual periods and other particularly specific female maladies that have been extraordinarily difficult for her to manage pain-wise, much less, even function.
TLDR: I agree.