Soluble (digestible) fiber and insoluble (undigestible) fiber. Most food products just list fiber as dietary fiber which includes both types. The formula that works best for me is to take 50% of dietary fiber from the total carb grams. This isnt perfect but works pretty well. Dont go by the hype in big font ZERO NET CARBS. They are subtraction all the dietary carbs from total carbs.
I hope that your wife can find a way to lesson stress. Stress leads to the fight/flight hormonal releases which increases glucose release from the liver and steroids which significantly increase insulin resistance.
I know all about work related stress personally increasing my blood glucose levels.
One person mentioned sugar alcohols. These sweeteners are common in sugar free candies. They are not free foods and can cause a rise in BG, and in combination with Metformin can keep her on the toilet more often than not. These are the most common; erythritol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH), isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol.
Heres a couple of links to an Australian type 2 diabetics blog that are helpful starting points.
Alan has also written a book that I believe is available on Amazon, What On Earth Can I Eat.
I have had less than stellar advice from dieticians. The 3 I met with back in 1990 seem to have a hate relationship with food and were pushing ideas that were not helpful in gaining and managing good blood glucose levels.