how to change your mind. michael pollen on netflix. [View all]
FASCINATING series. lots of backstory on both research and the drug war.
i was doing high enough doses of mmj edibles a couple years ago that i got a lot of the changes in thinking they describe. they've been pretty durable.
i appear to be immune from hallucinations, possibly because of a tbi as a kid.
i've done a few shrooms, which are helpful, but i talk waaaaay too much. did acid a couple times and mostly just laughed my ass off.
i was truly interested in some of the trips. 1 lady had had a miscarriage 40 yrs early and not thought much about it since. she saw her baby on heaven. i lost 3 babies, and i'm not sure i want to visit them, but i can see it would settle some things.
but the guy who said he died has me rly intrigued. i would love to go back to that head injury, cuz i think i was dead for a couple minutes. i've wondered about it since the science of tbi started coming out. the mmj got me thinking about it. suspect it has had an unconscious impact.
anyway, fascinating stuff. very well done, too. hard to recreate trips for film, but they seemed to do a good job.