Hey NW: Yep! I've been legal for about 12 years, and though I don't smoke (medicinally except for a few illnesses smoking is the lest effective) I do take sublingual HAO; short for Holy Annointing Oil, as the ingredients are at the same ratio's in the same order as the Biblical recipe, for muscle spasms, optical fluid pressure and diabetic retinopathy.
I use the big fan leaves to mike a very sedative coconut oil based butter, excellent for sleep and pain, (real butter works well too for baking cookies, brownies, etc) that if you add food-grade beeswax to, turns the infused coconut oil into a topical cream that soaks right into the skin for joint pains, bruses, stretched muscles and quite a few skin cancers.
I use an ethanol refluxed form of Rick Simpson Oil (the original formulae used naptha but any chemist will tell you it leaves highly toxic residues that takes highly specialized gear to remove) for extending the effective length of my meds (oxy...same prob) cutting down (lots of people use oils to kick completely!) controlling the pain the oxy doesn't, helping to sleep, and has allowed me to quit using insulin (was on 30 units of Lantus + prn Novalog) now I take a piece the size of a cooked grain of rice twice a day, and my sugars range from 70-100 with A1c of 6 and ketoacidosis level at .01, plus solid sleep with no pain.
Lastly, depending on the strain and extraction method I make absolutes (smokable oils with no wax or chlorophyl) for PTSD, anxiety, appetite or immediate pain relief.
If I can ever remember my username site and all that...lol...I'd be happy to share any knowledge I may have that is within the guidelines and the law. I'm new here, stumbled upon something from my hometown on a completely different mission, and ended up here, but it's way late and I have to sleep.
Nite all...