Gymnast are savages [View all]
My son and his young lady friend we signed up for class taught by gymnast she teaches elementary school with my youngest daughter.
Since 1984 when I got off the bus an eighteen year old at Fort Benning exercise has been a constant in my life. Mostly a runner for cardio today I row because Im trying to avoid knee surgery.
My wife and my routine over these years biking or Push ups pull ups sit ups butterfly kicks and lot of reps with light weights.
And my dear wife made me a strong swimmer she swam in college before my wife I was a stroke and float swimmer. Liz would smoke me in the pool swimming laps probably 3 laps to my one I asked hey help me get stronger in swimming and she did.
Yet much respect to gymnasts the closet I ever came to gymnastics was obstacle courses in the army at times wed close out a five mile run and the C.O. would run us for a chaser on obstacle course after long run.
So this morning Ive discovered there is pain involved again as I usually do pull ups push ups sit ups butterfly kicks.
This morning from our instructors two ladies one gentlemen in our first class the pain infliction was caused by.
Chin up dead hang
Leg extension hang
Butterflies with dumbbells
I really felt this one she introduced it as the long push up or I think she called it the caterpillar
Rope climb
Extended leg lifts sitting down
Bar dip
Then bar dip with legs extended.
Totally different way of doing the usual pull ups -mountain climbers - push ups etc etc for last three half decades.
I felt it I was pushed out of my usual zone my son and standing in the shower he said dad does your arms ache he said my arms were shaking.
I said kiddo that is a yes I said dude I felt it now every Saturday will hit this class and work in what we were taught this morning in other days we work out.