OK, so i'm 57 yo woman, have some bone loss already so no BIG pylo for me BUT i am starting (another) 90 day fitness program to try and get off that last 15-20#
i've tried Nike trainers and one other kind (famous name that escapes me at this moment---hey I'm old! gimme a break....)
so the program consists of 4 days of circuit training with some short HIIT thrown in and 2 days cardio (1 day front circuit, 1 day back circuit, 1 day cardio, repeat)
I need some good aerobic trainers that will give good cushion and lateral support on my carpet at home. Suggestions??
I'm not worried about $$$, saving my knees, hips and back are much more important!! knee and hip pain has been an issue with P90 programs and other weight lifting I've done. I think i'm much stronger now and my form is better, but I still need to support and protect those areas.
also my slightly younger and fitter hubby is doing it with me, his issue is flat feet and he hates heavy shoes, weight is his big thing, so any suggestions for him are welcome too!
so tell me about your shoes, love em hate em???? help!