Mental Health Support
In reply to the discussion: This may be it [View all]electric_blue68
(18,888 posts)I'm sorry your husband is under such disstress having to work for a horrific boss.
Well, well don't know you well, but we know of you, and you have contributed to DU.
Acquaintances are important for most people. There are as an article in '21, maybe late '20 talking about the he benefits of having a bunch of people to chat with even short conversations over the days, weeks, etc.
They even have a specific name for those interactions.
When extroverts, and ambiverts are denied that (maybe some introverts) they feel something is missing.
I have definitely noticed as my restrilcted schedule, and later timewise doesn't cross paths as it has pre covid so I run into a lot of my neighbors. I miss that interaction. I noticed it after a few months by mid summer time '20.
Very sorry to hear your heel is bothering you.
I had that nasty injury where your heel hurts like hell when stepping on it from over exercise that crept up on me.
Took several months to go away.
It's possible that the cold is exacerbating your CV system in your hands. It my not be all about your pre by pass surgery condition returning.
Cold somewhat restricts blood flow to our extremities.
Safety to you and your husband.