Having dreams.. [View all]
In the dream,a plane flew out of the direction of a military base near me. Didn't look like any plane I saw before flying around there.
The plane came right tword my apartment building right above the trees and the building got shot at with missiles. I saw it through my bedroom window it happened in the afternoon .
This dream was before the war in Ukraine,about 3 months before.
I had another dream last night. I was in an open field near here walking along the road by it. Soldiers were patrolling around. I went up to one asking whats going on and they cuffed me.
I asked why. They said nothing.
They led me into the field
I felt like running away or fighting them but I didnt.
We got to a clearing in the thickets than I was shot in the back and it hurt. I got woozy and hit the ground. Than I woke up sweating and dizzy.
Later today I heard booms at the proving ground. Booms I remember from when I was a kid.
It went on for a couple of hours . Then a couple of planes flew over and a helicopter. They are so loud you cant miss it. Those booms always made me feel bad even as a kid.
I just hugged Othello and cried.
Another thing
I take Prazosin to control nightmares. Haven't had any nightmares or dreams break through the medications effects except for these two.
The last one that broke through before these two was about the big tusanami in Japan awhile ago. I had no clue that happened in Japan when I woke up,but the dream had me upset. I went to talk to a staff in the hospital about that dream
She asked me if I knew about what happened in Japan. I said no,I had no clue,she walked with me to the dayroom where the TV was on and my dream was on TV. Freaked me right out. Didnt know what to make of it.
I hope those two dreams I had 3 months ago and last night are just bad dreams.
Anyone else having these kinds of dreams and feelings too?