Now, when it comes to mental health, the stories I could tell might start a Congressional investigation. I have never had success with a 'mental health professional' and I doubt I ever will. It is such a niche profession and the least expensive of them is way more than 90% of the population can afford. So, it is overrun with greedy types who want to be billionaires. It is disgusting. (One example: I went to the county to seek help and they set me up with a dude who was supposed to see me for fifteen minutes, once a week. I had three sessions with the guy. The first one, we got into an argument about whether or not SSIDs were addictive. {Shocker, right after we had this argument, it came out that they most definitely are. I was the one saying that anything that has withdrawal symptoms is, by definition, addictive. He swore that they were not.} The second and third session, he spend the entire time trying to convince me that I should run out and get a job so that I could go pay to see him at his private practice. Basically, he was trying to get me to pay him for what he was supposed to be doing for free where we were. I was less than pleasant when I told him that I was done with him and the entire department. This was just one of the times I tried to get help.) I honestly don't recommend trying to get mental help in this country as it is mostly a scam and a money-grabbing ruse. I am sure others have had different experiences with this but mine are proof enough to me that our medical profession in general and mental health in particular are just money making schemes and not actual medical help anymore. I wish I had something more helpful to say about the family thing, but mine is just as bad. So, I guess I am no help there. Who am I kidding? I am no help at all. I just wanted to say that yes, I have had horrible dealings with the medical profession and I don't see that ending any time soon. Which is so sad, but not surprising.