I kind of feel like I'm enduring a hail storm of anxiety triggers, right now [View all]
The basement flooded at my Mom's house, where my niece and nephew are living and renovating. One plumbing company quoted something like $5,000+ to resolve the issue. Another came out and checked the floor drain, cleared it out and resolved the problem for less than $300. Now a water restoration company is taking care of things and the insurance guy is on top of it. Hopefully it will all be covered.
More shenanigans from my health care provider notifying me of a referral for SOMETHING. I have no idea what since I haven't seen her until the end of the month. Today, maybe tomorrow, I'll call the place and find out wtf is going on. I'm way too over the edge to do that right now. I've got to find somebody new who knows how to deal with someone as anxiety ridden as me.
One of the feral kittens didn't show up for breakfast and it's my favorite little guy, Dewi. I will be spending lots of time looking around for him and hope he's OK. Yesterday when I was mowing I found the remains of a long dead kitten of unknown origin. I gave it a proper burial and felt horrible.
And don't get me started on what watching the news is doing to me. So I stopped.
Yesterday afternoon and last night I took some anti anxiety medication. This morning I realized I had locked poor Arthur out on the screened in porch!! Fortunately there's water, a bed and a litter box but still, that makes me feel like a horrible hooman.
Top that all off with the fact I'm having to come to terms with being totally estranged from my late sister's husband, due to the nightmare of a partner he's hooked up with. Well, it's his former girlfriend and they secretly got back together within weeks of my sister's death. She's very disrespectful of the memory of my sister. VERY. She also forced him to disinvite my brother from a party because he doesn't bow down to her. Now my former BIL has let me know, in no uncertain terms, just how little my feelings matter to him and now I worry about the estrangement spreading. This one hurts.
Somehow I doubt this will be a very productive day. But I know - take DEEP breaths and focus to rediscover my center. I'm going to go look for Dewi. Again.