What's the smallest thing that has made a difference? [View all]
Therapy and medication can help many people improve their emotional lives and I highly recommend at least trying them. However sometimes it's the small things that are surprisingly helpful. And sometimes it's a surprise how small these changes can be. These don't have to be things that made a HUGE impact, most of them probably won't. And you certainly aren't going to be cured by them. The idea is to think of something that has had a disproportionate impact given the size of the change in your like. For me? Daily cold showers in the morning. I've always had difficulty getting up in the morning and often curse having to do so when I'm depressed or anxious. Recently I've been feeling better and a small part of that surprisingly is just getting into the habit of taking all cold showers first thing in the morning. It's a shock to the system and amazingly invigorating. It jump starts my system and gives me some motivation. What small changes have you realized have made a difference to you?