my cousin is still in the hospital but sounds much better [View all]
she'd sounded combative the first few times we talked and she's still saying some stupid shit (like you shouldn't have a pony tail once you get your md, but i think that came more from just not liking the doc and him wanting to monkey with the meds she'd only been on for a few days.), but her spirits seem better. they finally got her off the eating disorder floor and onto the mood disorder floor, they've got her on meds (there were multiple meds she refused due to weight gain being a possible side effect) and she's hoping to be out by monday.
she said this has been enough to never want to try to kill herself again and i told her to remember that and keep taking care of herself, including taking her meds.
i will say, though, that i am a bit horrified at the dosages they've got her on. 25 mg of abilify a day! i'm not a doc, but that sounds really high as an initial dose. mine has me on 2.5 every other day. i know her disorder is more intense than mine, but that just seems like overkill to me rather than starting low and working up if needed.
thanks, guys, for listening throughout this.