I guess I sold a painting [View all]
why the post here ? the painting that was sold on a on line auction was one of the commercial things that I as a tortured artsy fartsy
goober had destroyed in a crazed rage . I found pieces of it on the garage floor where I broke it over my head ( ouch ! ) . So then I realized I would have to call this stranger and tell him that the painting he sold was destroyed , he said maybe the customer would accept another nice safe motel kind of painting if I could find one that I hadn't destroyed .
Tomorrow after 4 weeks of angst and me beating myself up for being a crazed loony bird maybe just maybe the guy will give me a check and a chance to try to see if someone in the world perceives any value in my life which was my work which in the scope of things has no value because who knows why we are here or why anyone is allowed to be financially successful or just another tortured soul looking in from the outside on a world going into a materialistic greed melt down .
Well thanks doc see you next week sorry about the rant .......oh and in passing here is a not funny shrink joke
Two behavioral therapists meet at a conference and somehow end up making love ---while they are getting dressed afterwards one says to the other " was that as good for me as it was for you ? "