How sad for Snarky that they go through life compelled to lash out at those who feel it necessary to ask a question more than once...
After all, there are a myriad of reasons people ask a question more than once...
- clarification of Q/A because of background noise or hearing challenges
- clarification of Q/A when the format /syntax is not straightforward..., jumbled / mumbled
- not sure if Q/A was clearly understood or heard by other parties ... so providing opportunity for info. To be stated again
- to make sure that how one interprets the Q/A meaning is in sync with how the other party intended the info to be understood...
- something in the Answer triggered the mind to make a new connection ... thus a temporary distraction occurred
Bottom line is that obviously Snarky has a low tolerance level for anyone who dares to ask them to repeat anything....
That is their problem....
And they lash out in order to make others feel responsible or inferior....
which, again, is their problem....
It is tough to separate one's own internal issues from other's externalized issues... especially when they come together in an interaction....
For me, I embrace my challenges... and find a way to make it known that I am very well aware of my 'tendencies' and that I do my best to compensate but am not always successful ...
IOW, I use humor to let everyone know what to expect....
otherwise I would be eternally consumed by internal perseveration on any given "mistake/flaw/public embarrassment"....
We are who we are...
I constantly take notes.., write stuff down.,. And then have no f*cking idea where I put the paper/notes...
or my keys...
or know what it was I went into a certain room to get/do...
I put things "where I won't lose them"...but have no idea where the safe place was when I need the crap later..
But I can tell you exactly where the answer to a question is in a given "text"...
or where so-in-so left Their whatever in the house...
Or verbally guide you (long distance) to a location using obscure landmark/ locational references ... after having personally been there only once or just from having researched the area..
But I will also stop in the middle of a sentence... and have no idea what I was saying 2 seconds later..
Or can be brainstorming out loud and have no idea what I just said ...
I have learned to compensate to the point that I am ok with my tendencies...
if others can't deal with my 'tendencies'..
that is their problem...