I'm here it's panther [View all]
I was asked to check in by irisisblue.
Just wanted to let her know I drank some oolong iced tea I made a pitcher and ate some veggies.A medium sized bowlful. And 3 spoonfuls of coconutalmondbutter. Ok I was going to watch tv but I have an antenna and local storms put that idea out the window.
As for my cat he's a masked tuxy got him from the shelter as a ball of black n white fluff he has grown into a fine handsome young man he has amazing golden eyes pink nose and 3 pink toes all the rest are black. He loves being held upside down. He's 50/50%black & white his name is Othello and his white hairs are longer than his black hairs and they intermix in wild shapes and sprays. I love him very much . Oh and he does not meow
He speaks in chips and other often adorable noises
. This is why all my closets and cabinets are tied shut he can't meow to let me know he's stuck. Happened once when he was a kitten scared the crap out of me. He left a dump in the closet. So I keep places he could be stuck shut and doors open. He does things his way but he is a golden heart and really cares,to show love he'll just come over look into my eyes and place a paw on my cheek. He is a very unique cat and I adore him.