Last night was an active night in the unconscious psyche of the Tobster. [View all]
It started out with a negative dream about sugar which makes sense to me in light of the low carb diet I've been on. I actually got up in the middle of the night and posted about that in the lounge. After I went back to bed I had two even more intense dreams.
The theme of one was boundless spiritual love for humanity.
The theme of the other was extreme poverty.
I was very moved by the dream of spiritual love. It was very intense and I woke up feeling that heart chakra right in the middle of the chest wanting to burst open and on the verge of joyful tears.
The dream of extreme poverty came after the dream of spiritual love and was set in Central America. It also had the aspect that I wanted another identity. It could be an allusion to the fact that we lack this love for each other in our own country. We are spiritually very poor in America.
This might have also played into my dreamscape last night. I was also talking to a friend of mine last night who is going to marry a Thai woman who still lives in Thailand. He has been over to visit her many times and says that she and her family live in poverty as much of the country does. Strangely, though, he says that she and many of the people he meets over there who are living in such circumstances are actually much happier than the typical American. He attributes this to the idea that since they don't have much material wealth they spend more time really being with each other and taking care of each other.
So, where it counts, are Americans really the among the wealthiest people on the planet?