Understanding OCD [View all]
I have a good friend who shares an interest in spiritual matters with me. We usually get together once a week and talk about such things. This friend also has an issue with germs and getting sick.
I went to a seminar last weekend that was about spirituality. I had a great time and got to meet a couple of my heroes there in person for the first time. When I came home on Sunday, my friend came over and I was telling him about this wonderful event. But he didn't stay very long, much shorter than usual. I thought something was out of place with that, especially seeing as how I had some great news to share with him.
I've been having a little trouble with my sinuses the past few days, and it makes my voice sound like I have a cold.
So I called my friend last night because I had some things to add that I had forgotten to relay to him last weekend. So I'm talking about all of this great stuff and he acts totally disinterested.
Then he asks, "Do you have a cold?"
There it was.
All he could think about the past few days was getting a cold from me. It had totally enveloped his frame of mind making everything else seem unimportant.
I assured him that it was just sinuses. But it was then that I realized how much an illness like OCD can affect one's life, and I don't think my friend has a particularly bad case of it.