And found where the original family was baptized. They are also spelled Kinard, Kennard, Kynard, etc. - sometimes in the same document. The earliest spelling is Keynat:
The following Petn of John Keynat in behalf of himself and
his Brother Martin and Certificate of Henrv Middteton Esqr to
his Excellency and the Honble Members of his Majestys Council
setting forth
That your Petr came with his parents in Capt. Brown on the
Encouragemt given to foreign Protestants that his Father and
Mother are both dead in the service of Mr. Middleton. Your
Petr having served his time out with said Mr. Middleton is
now desirous of settling in or near Saxa Gotha Township that
Brother being also out of his time altho but 15 Years of Age
and is under the care of your Petr who humbly Prays that
your Excelly and Honors would direct the Survr Genl to run
out 50 Acre of Land for each of them in or near Saxa Gotha
Township and also a Town Lot in Saxa Gotha and that your
petr may be paid the Provision Bounty for himself and his
Brother under such Direction as to your ExY and Honors shall
think fit .
Certificate of Henry Middleton Esqr
This is to Certifie that John Keynot and his youngest Brother
Martin Keynot were my Indented Servants and have been free a
twelve Month the fifth of this Month.
January 15th 1749
Henry Middleton
The Petitioner appearing and being sworn to the Truth of what
is set forth in his said petn the prayer thereof was Granted
and accordinly
Ordered that the DepY Surr make out a Warrant to the Surveyor
Genl to 1ay out to the petr 100 Acres of Land for himself and
Brother and that John Dart Esqr the Comp y Genl do pay the
Bounty if it appears that it has not been Received before.
My problem is that we can't get our Jacob Kynerd, who moved to central Alabama in about 1819, connected to a specific family in South Carolina. We know he was born in South Carolina - he told the census takers so later on. And there are at least a couple of Jacob Kynerds whose parents are known who were born about the right time - but they stayed in SC so far as we can figure. One of his descendants, Dan Kinard, compiled a book about Jacob Kynerd and children but Dan died while still trying to find Jacob in SC - and he'd eliminated the ones I've found.
I've bookmarked the Germanna site - as you say, there is a lot of information there. Once I get into my husband's ancestors who are possibilities, I will see if I can make the connection