I've been using Ancestry and Family Search for 8 families, but the tree has exploded. [View all]
1) Does anyone know if/how I can pull each family branch out of the tree and make separate trees? The trees are so big, I can't see how I can print them out.
2) Does anyone know if I can send information from Family Search to Ancestry or vice versa, or do I have to reenter all that info? I've never shared. Could that be a method? Ancestry and Family Search are both by the Mormon church, but FS is free and Ancestry is pretty expensive. I actually have had more success with FS.
3) When you have your tree open, there are arrows to the right of the individual boxes which you can click on and it takes you to the next generation, if there is one. On some of my branches, I ended up with kings/queens of Earls, Dukes, etc. Some of the Dukes/Earls I knew about, but when I asked for my relationship to the kings and queens on a couple, a posting said since they were over 14 generations, they couldn't tell me if there was a link.
Is there a way I can start a branch off further into the tree so that the generations shown are less than 15? I'd love to know if the royalty is any relation. With all I've found, you'd think I would have ended up with a jewel or two, right? Maybe trickle down some gold coins. Sheesh!
Thanks in advance for any info. This project is addicting.