Dear Students, We Didn't Even Get to Say Goodbye. [View all]
'I wish I could wrap you in a hug right now! You, my dears, are my kids.
During this time of uncertainty, I want what is best for you.
But I am sad.
Our year has been ripped away from us. The unknown of when we will return to the classroom, or if we will finish the year through remote learning is the reality we are facing.
And I am sad because I didnt get to say a proper goodbye.
We didnt know with the last hug and high five that it would be for more than just the weekend.
We didnt know our classroomusually full of life and organized chaoswould soon sit empty and silent. . .
(This article was written by a teacher who would like to remain anonymous. Thank you to all the teachers out there for your hard work!)
My 2 grandsons, both in kindergarten, may experience this loss; they're both at home now. Fortunately my daughters are good teachers, and mothers. Think of how many more there are, in this situation.