Nothing in my house would survive without it. I collect hand blown paperweights and they safely sit on the coffee table because of that wonderful miracle putty.
Putting your crystal in a glass door curio cabinet reminded me of an adventure we had with one of our kitties. We have a curio cabinet with a curved glass door. The shelves are straight across. It stands against the wall where a clever kitty can get to it from the stairs if he jumps just right. Well, he jumped just right. We heard something strange in the middle of the night, got up, but couldn't find anything amiss.
In the daylight, we found that kitty had wobbled the cabinet enough to that my very first Lladró figurine, a standing girl cuddling a puppy over her shoulder, had been knocked head first between the top shelf and the door. If we opened the door, she would crash to the floor. The only way to get to it was to remove the light assembly from the top, reach in, and set her upright. I could reach in as far as my elbow, but my arm wasn't long enough. My husband's arm was long enough but he couldn't even get his hand in. I'm not sure how we ended up doing it, but somehow we rescued the figurine.
After that, I stuck down anything that was in danger of falling over if it got wobbled in the slightest (usually standing figures). And we put a fake plant on top of the cabinet to discourage adventurous jumpers. Phew!
They keep us on our toes, for sure.