Merlin's newest accomplishment is self-grooming [View all]
Last night he was licking his teeny tiny paws. His purring is getting stronger and stronger, as is his ability to ambulate. He's actually pretty speedy.
He's still going though a 2am zoomie stage, but that's fine. Once I bring out the bottle he settles down. After he's done eating, he just wants to snuggle. We both got some nice sleep time, last night. He's also had a very small taste of pate and seems impressed.
Now he's spending his nap time in the play pen, which frees me up. I want to get him a nice stuffed animal to snuggle with.
Gryff is still the only kid cat who seems fine with Merlin being here but the others will come around. They always have. Merlin is so tiny, they are probably confused. I just keep paying lots of quality attention to them. At first I was greeted with a little bit of attitude, but now they've settle in for scritches, snuggles and kisses.
I'm still feeling like a cold is settling in but hopefully I'll get him to the vet within the next couple of days. He seems healthy but I really want confirmation.