Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)beevul: Evidence that points to the tweet not being made by watts? Zip zero nadda.
Are you blind? or wake up stupid this morning? In the 'want guns gone' tweet, allegedly by Shannon watts, Shannon's tweet address is different from her official tweet address available online:
Shannon@_shannonwatts <<<< note the underscore prior to full name.
post 15
In the link where she reposted malicious tweets to herself, her (official) tweet address is:
Shannon@shannonwatts <<<<< note the lack of an underscore
Adding an underscore to an e-address is a notorious way of creating a bogus fake email or twitter address, and then using the bogus address to impersonate another poster. Duh, this is news to beevul? this constitutes "Zip zero nadda" evidence to beevul that watts did not make the tweets? then beevul should have his head examined.
Adding the underscore or a period often goes unnoticed, as it does not affect the ID letters & numbers; sometimes the address is reduced or obscure; observe:
phantom man 2234 phantom man 2234.
phantom_man 2234
phantom man 2234_
phantom man_2234
beevul: Evidence that points to it being made by watts? Plenty, even if circumstantial, is still more than none.
Post a few reputable sources which support you, if they're so plentiful, not just rightwing gun blogs. So far you have no real solid evidence whatsoever in light of the underscore difference.
beevul: I've seen it a hundred times or more, doing searches on the esteemed mrs watts
You've only seen the very same tweet from the very same altered twitter address, hundreds of times, reposted.