Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)icon: ...and it's the height of arrogance for you to declare two Democratic US Senators not to be "true democrats".
Height of arrogance is you contending the above, for when they vote against the will of over 95% of what American democrats want, YES THEY ARE NOT TRUE DEMOCRATS, but servants of the special interest group which influenced them or paid them, in this case the gun lobby.
icon: Working against Democrats is working against Democrats, and no amount of bafflegab will change that
Huh? translation please. You make my point regarding begich & pryor. As far as MDA goes, they're under no obligation whatsoever to support democrats if they oppose the very principles they (MDA) stand for.
And, for your information, democrats work against democrats quite frequently mostly to limited degrees, in primaries & in congress; that is actually one reason which differentiates them from lock step republicans.
icon: Ahem. This is DEMOCRATIC Underground, not Gun Control Underground...
MDA does not post on DU that I know of.
The iran nuclear inspection agreement does not have 95% support from democrats (as bg checks do), only 61% support vs 36% oppose, so Senators like Schumer who oppose it are not in the same position as begich & pryor. Schumer is still a 'true democrat', since he represents a significant minority view, not the lunatic fringe view.
CNN/ORC Poll. July 22-25, "As you may know, Congress must approve the agreement the United States and five other countries reached with Iran that is aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons before it can take effect. Do you think Congress should approve or reject the deal with Iran?"
Approve Reject Unsure
ALL 44 52 5 Democrats 61 36 4
Independents 40 55 6 Republicans 31 66 3